
Elyra enables data scientists to visually create end-to-end machine learning (ML) workflows.

Elyra aims to help data scientists, machine learning engineers and AI developers through the model development life cycle complexities. Elyra integrates with JupyterLab providing a Pipeline visual editor that enables low code/no code creation of Pipelines that can be executed in a Kubeflow environment.

Below is an example of a Pipeline created with Elyra, you can identify the components/tasks and related properties that are all managed in the visual editor.

A pipeline example created using Elyra Pipeline Visual Editor

To learn more about Elyra, visit Elyra GitHub project

To enable Elyra in your Kubeflow Environment, visit Using Elyra with the Kubeflow Notebook Server


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Last modified June 29, 2023: fix: typo (#3529) (79472cb3)